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Coordination of Dao Transmitting Ceremony

(1) Before the introduction to Dao
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Congratulations! Today you are here to worship the Holy Teachers and receive the great Dao. It is upon Heaven’s grace and our Holy Teachers’ virtues that we can gather here. Also it is your ancestral virtues and the merits you’ve done in your past lives that have granted you this golden opportunity to receive the great Dao. So on behalf of all the Dao members here in Temple, I’d like to say congratulations to you!
Today it’s our honor and privilege to have invited a lecturer who has profound understanding of Dao, of life, and of Truth. He/She will explain to us what Dao is. His/Her name is XXX. (Then introduce the lecturer and the etiquette to salute) We all know that rules are for us to follow. We follow rules not only in the country, in school, but also in our family. In Temple we also have rules to follow. So when I invite the lecturer to start the speech, I will read ONE, and everybody, please stand up. And when I read TWO, let’s all salute the lecturer. And when I read THREE, please sit down and listen to the lecturer attentively.





(2) Introduce the offering ritual
Before the Dao Transmitting Ceremony, we are to perform the offering ritual. In the offering ritual we offer tea, cookies, and fruits to God, Buddhas, and angels. This ritual can be traced back to 2500 years ago in ancient China. At that time, only the emperors could perform this ritual, but now God allows the universal propagation of Heavenly Dao, so everybody has equal opportunity to receive Dao. So now, please stand upright. Release yourself; be sincere and respectful while the ritual proceeds. Thank you.



(3) Introduce Dao Transmitting Master
In the past, Dao receivers had to travel thousands of miles to worship Holy Teachers and pursue Dao. Without the heavenly mandated Holy Teachers, no one could escape from the sufferings of life and death. Here in this Dao society, the Heavenly Mater is so merciful as to bestow heavenly decree on the true cultivators who are faithful, virtuous, and perseverant in cultivation. They represent our Holy Teachers to transmit Dao. We call these people “ Dian-Chuan-Shi,” or Dao Transmitting Master.
Today we have invited Dao Transmitting Master XXX. Master XXX has cultivated for more than twenty years. He/She has been devoting his/her lifetime to the propagation of Dao. Such devotions and sacrifice really deserve our respect. An honor as well as a privilege, we are having Master XXX to be with us. So when I invite Master XXX to meet you, in order to show our heartfelt appreciation and welcome, please make a deep bow and say, “ XXX Dian-Chuan-Shi hau.”

(3) 介紹點傳師



(4) Explain the Long-Tian-Biao and Roll Call
No one can refrain from death. There is a Chinese saying,” If the King of the underworld wants you to die at three o’clock, it will not be later than five o’clock.” No one can escape from the life and death cycle. Here in my hand is a heavenly document that can help you transcend this cycle. It’s called Long-Tian-Biao, a heavenly document to the Book of life. Yours name as well as how much money you donate is registered on this document. When this document is burned, your name will be registered in heaven and eliminated from the underworld. It is something very unusual. So I’m going to report your name. If there is any mistake, please le me know, and I will make the necessary correction.

(4) 解釋龍天表及唱名

無人可免死亡,中國古諺說”閻王要你三更死,決不拖延到五更。” 無人可免生死輪迴。我手中這張文件能夠幫助你超脫生死輪迴。這張表文叫做龍天表,也叫做生命冊上的掛號單。你的姓名及你奉獻的功德費都明白的記在上面。表文昇天,天榜掛號,地府抽丁。這並非尋常,所以我將要點名,如姓名有誤,請立刻告訴我以便更正。

(5) Before the Invocation
In the past, Dao was transmitted on one-to-one basis. In other words, one master could transmit Dao to the only one of his many disciples. But now it’s time for the last salvation. God allows the universal propagation of Dao. Dao is therefore descended for the righteous people to receive. As there are many Dao receivers, for fear that the heavenly secrets may be disclosed, we perform the invocation ritual. In the invocation ritual, we will invite Buddhas and sages to guard the Temple and witness the whole ritual.
So, on this precious and solemn occasion, please adjust your attire before we begin. Thank you.

(5) 請壇前


(6)Introduce the Long-Tian-Biao while it is burned
This piece of paper is called “Long-Tian-Biao,” which means the heavenly document to the Book of Life, the Heavenly Document. The Document is now burned up to Heaven. Your name is being registered in Heaven; it is eliminated from the underworld. From now on, you should faithfully establish merits and cultivate virtues to repay God’s Grace and Holy Teachers’ virtues.



(7)Recite the Introducer’s/Guarantor’s Vows
I sincerely kneel down before the Lotus Throne of the Almighty God. Today, I am willing to be an Introducer/Guarantor for (Dao receivers) to receive the Great Dao, true transmission of the principle of self-nature. If I guide the Dao receivers to any unrighteous place, or cheat money from them, I am willing to be examined by God and all the humans.


(8)Translate for the Dao transmitting Master (I)
The primary ritual enforcer : “ Now let’s welcome merciful Dian Chuan Shi ( Dao Transmitting Master) to pay us compassions.”
( The following is the translation of the coordinator.)
Good morning,(afternoon, evening)First, I’d like to say congratulations to you. Welcome to the Holy Temple to worship the Holy Teachers and receive the great Dao.
Here we are to worship two Holy Teachers: one is Ji-Gong Living Buddha and the other is Yue-Hui Bodhisattva. You are not worshiping me; I just represent our Holy Teachers to transmit Dao to you. Please understand that the Dao we receive now is the Heavenly Truth. It’s the supreme Dharma of Buddhism. In the ancient time, Dao was not easily transmitted. Now it’s time for the last salvation, so merciful God allows the transmission of Dao universally to all sentient beings. You have this wonderful opportunity, for your ancestors must have accumulated a lot of virtues and merits for you. Also your spiritual foundation and affinity must have been well established. Of course, your Introducer and Guarantor are also important. The Introducer is the one that brought you here; he or she assures God that you are a righteous and noble person; you are qualified to receive Dao. The Guarantor is the one that guarantees you that the Dao you are receiving is true; the principles are true, and the heavenly decree is true. They are not leading you to any unrighteous place, nor are they cheating and money from you. If they do, they will be observed by Heaven, by their conscience and by all the humans. You just witnessed your Introducer and Guarantor kneeling in front of God and Buddhas making vows for you.

( 點傳師慈悲(I)


我們今天要求的道叫作先天大道,也是佛家講的「上乘大法」。這個道自古不輕傳 。現在,因為三期末劫年,所以老天慈悲,大開普渡;同時也是你們自己祖上有德,個人根基緣份深厚,


(9) Translate for Dao Transmitting Master (II)
Without the sincerity of your Introducer and Guarantor, even if you offer one million dollars to receive Dao, I would not transmit Dao to you. This is something very important that you should understand.
Before the ceremony, you sincerely donated a few hundreds of dollars, which we call merit fee. This donation is a rule set by Buddhas. What are we going to use the money for? Some of it will be used to buy fruit or cookies as offerings to God, and some will be used for printing scriptures and doing social charities in your name. The money belongs to God, so it has nothing to do with me, nor has it anything to do with people here in the temple. So please don’t worry. You just saw the Heavenly Document. It is called Long-Tian-Biao, or the registration form to the Book of Life. When it is burned, your name is registered in Heaven and eliminated from the underworld. This is something very precious and unusual.
Please understand the Dao you will receive is exactly the same as the Truth received by Shakyamuni Buddha and Guan-Yin Bodhisattva in the ancient time. We hope after the ceremony, you can devote yourself to learning about Dao. That will bring you an insight into your life. If it is convenient, we also hope you can spare two days to join the Dao Seminar, which will provide with an in-depth understanding of Dao. With better understanding, you will learn how to accumulate merits and cultivate virtues. Then you can repay God’s grace and Holy Teacher’s virtues. Of course, don’t forget to say thank-you to your Introducer and Guarantor. Now, please be sincere and respectful. Let’s welcome our Holy Teacher- Ji-Gong Living Buddha to transmit Dao to you !







(9)Offering the Incense (sandalwood sticks)
Please step ahead and take one worship mat. Bow and kneel down.
You represent the Dao receivers to offer the incense.
Pick up the three pieces of incense to your eye’s level. Insert one into the center of the burner with your left hand. Rise again, insert one on the right side; raise the last one and insert into the left side.

(9) 求道人獻香


(10)Recite the Ten Great Vows
I sincerely kneel down in front of the Lotus Throne of the Almighty God. Now I am willing to receive the Great Dao, true transmission of the principle of self-nature. After receiving the Great Dao, I will:
1 Be sincere and dedicated to Dao,
2 Be truthful in my repentance (for gentlemen)
Be truthful in my cultivation ( for ladies)
3 If I am deceitful or have any pretentious thoughts,
4 If I retreat from difficulties,
5 If I deceive and renounce the Teachers or Patriarchs,
6 If I am not respectful or despise the Dao seniors,
7 If I do not follow the rules and regulations of Dao,
8 If I disclose the heavenly secrets,
9 If I conceal the message of Dao or do not manifest Dao,
10 If I do not perform according to my ability ( for gentlemen)
If I do not sincerely and diligently cultivate (for ladies)
I am willing to be examined by God and all the humans.


1誠心抱守, 2實心懺悔,(乾)實心修煉,(坤)如有
3虛心假意, 4退縮不前, 5欺師滅祖,
6藐視前人, 7不遵佛規, 8洩漏天機,
9匿道不現, 10不量力而為者,(乾)不誠心修煉者,(坤)

Dao Terms:
Incense (sandalwood sticks)檀香 worship mat 拜墊 offer the incense 獻香Bow and kneel down 作揖跪 repentance 懺悔
Patriarchs 祖師 the Dao seniors 前賢
the rules and regulations of Dao 佛規
(11) Introduce the Lecture on the Three Treasures
Just now you received the Three Treasures, congratulations again. But what are the Three Treasures? How can we cultivate with the help of the Three Treasures? Now we invite a lecturer to explain to you. Don’t forget the rules in Temple: One, Two, Three.

(11) 介紹三寶講師


(12) After the Lecture on the Three Treasures
After the lecture, I believe you have a basic understanding of the Three Treasures. If you can, I hope that you can spare two days to join the Dao Seminar. In Dao Seminar, you may have more profound understanding of Dao and the Three Treasures. And, the Three Treasures are heavenly secrets. So, if you forget the Three Treasures, remember to come back to Temple to review. Please come back to Temple often in your free time.



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